Wednesday, May 4, 2011

These final days...

I found this post I wrote called "Bport is..." and what a treat it was to read...7 days left in this place and I'm drinking in every second.

Soon to come-"What I Learned at Bport".

I get asked so often what is bport like??
Well, bport is chocolate chip waffles on a cool summer morning.
Bport is communal nap time. Bport is late night walks, arm-in-arm.
Bport is tagging along to friend's family functions because you see your family 2 months out of the year. Bport is coffee shop after coffee shop, and you still haven't found them all.
Bport is "day off" at the beach. Bport is flip flops, and uggs.
Bport is cozy talks. Bport is raw, deep, and real.
Bport is a community of encouragers, and worshippers.
Bport is riding in elevators and stopping on every floor.
Bport is rain. Bport is playing in puddles, tripping into the fountian, laying in the field.
Bport is movie nights. Bport is beautiful girls, and amazing boys.
Bport is being extra "nice" to the cute card guy at the gym.
Bport is running and running and running and running-
finding out that you can't escape this so you'll have to face it.
Bport is mix cd's. Bport is 3 hour dinners at the dining hall. Bport is adventures.
Bport is the canal. Bport is long car rides to no where so you can just sing.
Bport is sweet sunny days. Bport is photo shoot, after photo shoot.
Bport is sisters. Bport is fatherly brothers. Bport is roof climbing.
Bport is dancing in the street at 3am running back and forth from cars.
Bport is tears. Bport is joy. Bport is love. Bport is home.
Bport is in my heart.
-Janurary 14, 2010



Stephanie M. Page said...

I am excited to hear MORE about it!! =)

Danica said...

my thoughts during this one were- how lovely to be doing that right now. mmm. puddle jumping, yeah, i will take that too. driving just to sing? why is gas so expensive these days? that sounds delightful.mmm, yes. How I wish heather and I would have done that together. If only I would have gone to Bport." haha.
LOVE YOU! and your heart after HIM!

above all else: Love said...

<3 <3 you know how I feel about this.