Friday, September 18, 2009

In my (humble) opinion:

College is a time to::

Find out WHO you are...what you THINK and what you BELIEVE.  

It's a time where CHARACTER is built.

Where you no longer think about the day when you'll BE like "this", 
but come to realize that you ARE "this".

It's a time where any situation that arises can cause you to SEARCH for the searchable.

Where you're HIDDEN-but in the fishbowl-learning all these things....

College is a time to::

Lay down in a field of tall grass in the middle of a torrential rain storm.
(and some where deep inside of you, you feel "i was made to do this")

It's a time to look out the window of your classroom and dream.

It's a time to meet people who hold the same heart that you do and run with them, 
and a time to meet people who want nothing you have and love on them.

It's a time to fall in love over and over again with many people, times and events.

Where your dreams of the future become realities.  Tangible.  

College is a time of finding and loosing.
of gaining and giving
of laughing and crying
of hoping and loving
of friends and lovers
of sisters and brothers...

of dreaming and seeking.


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